2016 Women’s Mentoring Group
(For Wives Only)
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Our Women’s Mentoring Group meets once each month (dates listed below). This group focuses on everything wives need to develop themselves in order to be VICTORIOUS in their Marriage and Family. Wives will experience love, encouragement, and support as they connect with other married women. As a wife, your husband and family needs things that only you can give. Explore Life principles, learn from experts, develop a Success plan for your life and family. This
Quarter we are focusing on the book “POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE.” Learn God’s plan for your Life, home, family and marriage. You can be Victorious in marriage and experience the joys and blessings of persevering through the hard times. Our monthly groups for wives will bring a healthy perspective filled with information that will brighten your future. Sign up today by calling (919)267-6747!
2016 upcoming sessions are:
July 28th
August 25th
September 29th
October 27th
November 17th
December 15th
2016 Women’s Mentoring Group
(Exclusively Unmarried)
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Our Women’s Mentoring Group meets once each month (dates listed below). This group focuses on everything women need to develop themselves in order to be VICTORIOUS in their lives. You will experience love, encouragement, and support as you connect with other women. Explore Life principles, learn from experts, develop a Success plan for your life, relationships and future. This Quarter we are focusing on the book “POWER OF A PRAYING WOMAN.” Learn God’s plan for your Life. You too can be Victorious and experience the joys and blessings of persevering through hard times. Our monthly groups for women will bring a healthy perspective filled with information that will brighten your future. Sign up today by calling (919)267-6747!
2016 upcoming sessions are:
June 23rd
July 21st
August 18th
September 15th
October 20th
November 3rd
December 8th