God created both male and female for relationships. As we move through life and interact with others, we don’t experience the same level of relationships with everyone we know. Sometimes, relationships just happen, such as being drawn to someone who enjoys the same lifestyle or hobby as you enjoy. Many factors determine the different levels of relationships we experience with the people in our lives. Most relationships take time to grow and develop. Some relationships develop as result of same interest, shared hurts, or shared joys. Relationships that last are built on emotional support for each other. My marital relationship with my husband would never grow deeper if we did not have an emotional bond. One that tied our soul, dreams, hopes and aspirations together and placed us on the same path of this journey through life. Our marriage is fulfilled because we are emotionally connected. Our relationship took twenty years to get to the emotional level its current state, so allow your relationship time to grow and develop. When you make a covenant relationship, make it for life and stay focused so that the storms of life won’t discourage you. It is easy to get in and out of relationships but if you ever want to experience fulfillment in life it’s the storms that make your relationship stronger. I feel safe in my relationship when I can reveal my thoughts and my feelings.
Relationships should be built with friends who can share your vision, ideas, and philosophies; friends with whom you can grow intellectually. Friends should not only be able to stand by your side but also stand apart with an objective view. They should feel free to not side with you when you are in the wrong. A friend should take time to know you inside and out and appreciate your differences. A friend should be loyal and trustworthy. Loyalty requires that your friend sticks with you no matter what.
Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all time, and a brother is born for adversity”.
The book of proverbs speaks on relationships and gives practical principles for everyday life. It addresses issues such as the fleeting nature of friendship built on the external values that we pursue today, such as power, wealth or position.
Proverbs 19:4 NASB, says, Wealth brings many friends, but a poor man’s friend deserts him.
Take time to invest in others and watch your life become more enriched and fulfilled. What you do today will determine the quality of your relationships tomorrow. Live your life to the fullest and treasure your friendships. Our relationship journey continues in next month’s issue as we look at how we can make our friendships last for a lifetime.