We don’t have to view delays, diversions and interruptions as life altering situations. In reality they are nothing but construction zones which God establishes in our lives. If you are like me you hate delays. I would prefer to drive on a freeway or use a bypass since I do not like too many stoplights or traffic jams. Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in. On any given day, we may encounter one of the above. It would be nice if our navigators would anticipate delays and instantly activate a detour that would get us to our destination on time. Well, that does not happen in the natural and spiritually, things operate the same. Now, guess where God might want to direct you? Absolutely; through a construction zone!
I love the way Paul in Romans 8:28 put it, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Meaning that things may not look good but somehow God harmonizes them for the ultimate good of every believer. What could be a bad situation can turn out good for the glory of God.
A couple of summer’s ago, I was on my way to take my daughter to a dance class at Duke University. We were getting in the car when I remembered I forgot to do something I needed to do before leaving. That took a little time, but shortly thereafter we got in the car and were on our way. My daughter was worried about being late but I told her not to be concerned. While driving down the Durham freeway, I saw a truck in the distance driving erratically across several lanes then spin around out of control. I slowed down and so did the vehicles behind me. I couldn’t help but think what if we had not been delayed; we could have been involved in a very tragic accident. My daughter and I were so thankful to God for the diversion and minor interruption to our schedule. God truly directed us out of what could have been most devastating and it was a teachable moment for my daughter. It is so important to ask God for direction regarding everything in our lives. Even if God directs us through a construction zone filled with pot holes, gravel and rocks. That path is always designed to build our character. We learn patience, longsuffering, meekness, faith and temperance through the many construction zones of life, which ultimately strengthens us in those areas. Where ever God directs us, He has already made provisions for our good. Don’t become frustrated with the construction zones; God is at work!