The institution of marriage is under serious attack. In western nations, including the United States, Canada and Europe, close to half of all first-time marriage end in divorce. When the pressures of life take a toll on marriages and families, despair and hopelessness set in and life long relationships are destroyed. Based on the failure rate of today’s marriages, some sociologist have predicted that marriages will soon become obsolete. Despite the high odds against a happy, lifetime relationship couples still get married in hopes of spending a lifetime together.
Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center is here to help couples and families navigate through life and experience the joys of living. Our interdisciplinary team of professionals will design a marriage and family life plan just for you.
God’s plan for humanity is a family plan. Similar to the way a human family reflects God’s plan, human marriage also reflects a spiritual relationship. Human marriage is modeled after the relationship between Jesus Christ and the church. What a beautiful example! Paul explains that Christ loved the church so much that he gave His “life” for her [Ephesians 5:25].
How does the Marriage and Family Life Counseling Center work?
Individual or family members can contact us directly or be referred. Referrals can be initiated by a church, business, educational institution, legal office or healthcare organization.
By Connecting With Us You Will Receive:
- Professional expertise in various life skills
- Tools to help you build a firm foundation for success in life
- A fulfilling spiritual connection to life’s purpose
- Access to extensive resources for growth and development
- Subscription to our “Life Magazine”
- Life-long family friends
Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center is designed to strengthen the marital bonds and help families grow together. Life challenges will occur but couples and families can meet these challenges with spiritual vigor and grow stronger instead of being torn apart. Building vibrant, healthy marriages is the focus for the Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center. Despite the promises in fairy tales and bridal magazines for “happily ever after”, weddings can be the beginning of a life long journey and joy of family.
Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center partners with business corporations to focus on individual growth and development personally and professionally. We want individuals to feel good about themselves and continue to advance professionally. We desire that individual professionals to be fully vested in their place of employment and high achievers and perfomers. Work with our professional coaches and plug into a continiuum of business networks and be supported as you rise to the top. Life is about making a series of healthy choices for better living.
Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center partners with the Department of Health and Human Services, community health centers, and the North Carolina Department of Public Health and Human Service families. There are fitness opportunities, health and wellness demonstrations, and access to a vast amount of community resources to discover a healthier you. Whether your goal is weight loss, weight gain, strength training, rehabilitation, or general conditioning, our programs and staff are here to provide you with exciting safe, and effective workouts in an exceptional environment. No matter where you are in your health needs, we can help you look and feel better. Schedule an appointment with one of our fitness specialists and be on your way to experiencing the joys of healthy living.
Relationships are an important part of our everday lives. The Triangle Marriage and Family Life Center partners with schools, universities, corporations, and religious organizations, to focus on relationships. Sign up for our Relationship Makeover today!